Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

236 S H I L O H. him to prat Life. T:ie laß Enemy, that(hall be deftroyed, Chrift finally deftroys in his Redeemed : He has often removed the Fear of Death clean away, and rendered his molt hoftile Appearance, but as a Phantom or a Shade. They pafc through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, fearing no Evil ; becaufe, and only becaufe, HE is with them. In the End ; the bleffed Shiloh, who has conducted them alltheir Lives long, and marked out every Trace of their Pilgrimage below, introduces them fafely, and inducts them freely, into thofe Regions of Life and Liberty, where the Wicked ceafe from troubling, where the Weary are at reff, and where every Pain hhall be banifhed from the Heart, and every gufh- ing Tear be forever wiped from the Eye. This, O Believer, is the Deliverance, which thy fpi- ritual SHILOH hath procured for thee. He was anointed by the SPIRIT JEHOVAH topreach theGofpel to the Poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to preach Deliverance to the Captives,to recoverthe Sight ofthe blind,and tolet atLiberty them that are bruited. * All thefe were thy Calamities ; and yefus carne to deliver thee from then. all. Thou haft force Earneft of his Redemption now ; and thou wilt foon have the perfelt Poffeflion of his unalienable joy. The Pledge of Grace is the Affurance of Glory, Accept it in this view, and be thankful. Imitate the Gratitude, and pray for the inexpreffible Complacency, of good old Simeon ; when he bleffed GOD for the SHII.oH of Ifrael, and faid, Lord, lettejt Thou thy Ser- vant depart in Peace, according to thy Word, for mine Eyes have feen thy precious Salvation. t Sing in the Melody of a well-tuned Soul, with the heavenly Holt of heavenly Hearts who once exulted in the Revelation of SHILOH to the World ; Glory be to GOD in the bighe/t, and on Earth Peace, Goodwill towards Men. The Time will fhortly come, when, from having force fweet, though fmall, Foretaftes of the Liberty of GOD's Children below, thou (halt be tranflàted to the full En- Lue iv, IS. Ifaiah lxi. I. fi Luke ii. zg, 3o. joyment