S H I L O H. 2 3 7 joyment,of the Glory which fefus hath prepared above. Thou fhalt quickly join the facred Choir, in the ever- lafting Celebration of Him, who heretofore was (tain and bath redeemed thee to GOD by his Blood. Their Song and thine will be, for ever, the Song of Mofes and the Lamb. All, all lhall fing, with the ever burn- ing Ardor of Seraphs; Great and marvellous are thy Works of Creation,. Deliverance and Salvation, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. tuft and true are thy Ways, Thou KING of Saints ! omen ; Biding, and Glory, and Wif- dom, and Thankfgiving, and Honor, and Power, and Might, be unto our GOD for ever and ever ! Thou art worthy, O LORD, of all thefe ; for Thou haft created all Things, andfor thy Pleafure they are and were created! Thou waft (lain and haft redeemed us, out of every Kin-. Bred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation! Therefore, Hallelu-JAH for ever: The LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT reigneth ! Amen. GLORY OF THE LORD. THE radical Idea of the Word, which we tran- flate Glory, is taken fromWeight or Gravity, and denotes intrinfic, real, and peculiar Splendor. It im- plies whatever is peculiarly grand, fublime, and Mag- nificent. Thus the Soul is called the Glory ofa Man ; * pfalm xvi. 9. . lvii. 8. Et al. becaufe