23g GLORY OF THE LORD. becaufe it is his fupreme and more excellent Part. The' Glory of GOD likewife, fo far as relates to our Conceptions of Him, or his Manifeftation to us; is the particular Difplay and Illuftration, either to our Mind or Senfe, of his own,Exiftence and Majefty. So Chrift is called the Glory of the Father; becaufe, in him, the Father is known and fhines' confpicuoufly to our Un- derftandings. He that bath feen me, fays Jefus, bath feen the Father. No Man can fee Chrift aright (which Sight is only granted in Faith), without feeing Him to be ONE with the Father of Lights, participatingof his efi'ential and undivided Glories. The Apoftle, defcrib- ing the heavenly Reft of Believers, takes in the Idea of the Hebrew Word, which without a Periphrafis the Greek could not exprefs, and calls it a Weight of Glory ; and not only this, but, laboring (as it were) to commu- nicate the vaft Idea of the Holy Spirit, he terms it xaQ' 137rtpCoTnv tie vrepCoAliv aiwviov' Paps óoEryç, an eternal Weight of Glory involving Excellency upon Excellency.* It's Excellence furmounted all Expreffion. The GLORY OF JEHOVAH, or the GLORY JEHOVAH, frequently ftands for the Effence of the Godhead ; be- caufe GOD's Glory cannot exift feparately from Himfelf, but is and muff be one with Him. His Attributes are not an Abftradionfrom his Nature, but the Conftituents (if one may fo fpeak) of his Nature. GOD is his own Glory ; and his Glory is Himfelf. All Language is poor to defcribe the divine Excellencies. The Word `/nD, WEIGHT or GLORY, is therefore ufed ; becaufe the Weightinefs of Grandeur, to be expreffed in one Word, exceedingly tranfcends all the Comprehenfion and Elocution of the Creatures. The promifed Megah was called the Glory of Jehovah, or Glory Jehovah ; both becaufe he, is effentially fo, as one of the Perfons in Je- hovah ; and becaufe, without him, united to our Nature as the GOD-man Mediator, that Glory could not be ma- nifefted to his People for their Comfort and Salvation. r, a Cor. iv. 17. I-Iénce