Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

240 GLORY OF THE LORD. or Inheritance ; and this fame Glory, prefented to tilt Eye of Faith, conduas the whole Ifrael of GOD to that Ipiritual Reft, which remaineth for them in Heaven. CHRISTwas the GOD of GLORY,* who appeared to Abraham : And Abraham rejoiced to fee his DAY, his Illumination, his Glory, and was glad. The Pfalmift, in one of his triumphant Hymns, tells us, That JEHOVAH is the King of Glory, even JEHOVAH SABAOTH.t Now, if there be not two Kings ofGlory, as indeed there cannot be in the Senfe of the Pfalmift ; whoever bears the Title of King, or (which is the fame) Lord of Glory, iS undoubtedly JEHOVAH SABAOTH. But the Apoftle fays of the Jews, that they crucified Chrift, THE LORD OF GLORY :t And, therefore, CHRIST is JEHOVAH SABAOTH. ,Ifaiah fays, The GLORY OF THE LORD (hall be re waled, or, rightly tranflated,fhall reveal himlelf.§ Now; this Text is applied to Chrift in feveral Places of the New Teftament; and there is no Doubt of its entire Relation to him. But GOD fays, I am. JEHOVAH, that is my Name; and MY GLORY will I not give to another. It follows then, either that CHRIST iS JEHOVAH, as to the effential Glory of his divine Nature ; or that the Scriptures have falfely ftyled him The Glory of JEHOVAH. All the Sophiltry of Arianifm cannot refute the De- ducRion. The fame Prophet, declaring the Meffage of JEHO- VAH, THE SAVIOUR AND REDEEMER, to Zion, fays, That this Saviour and Redeemer JEHOVAH [hall be her ever- lulling Light, and her ALEHIM her GLORY. ¶ The Infe- rence is obvious. The redeeming GLORY is JEHOVAH ALEHIM. But, if any fhould object, that this Glory, mentioned by the Prophet, is a mere Attribute and not a Perfn ; there is one Text, which will immediately folve the * Mis vii, 2. § Ifaiah xl. s. t Pfalm xxiv. 9, to. II Ibid. xlii. 8. t Cor. ii. 5. Ifaiah x1.16, 19. Doubt,