GLORY of THE LORD. 241 Doubt, 'and prove, that the Glory of Jehovah is either Je- hovah himfelf, or a Perfon in j ehovah. Their Tongue and their Doings (lays Ifaiah, (peaking of Ifrael) are againfi Jehovah, toprovoke, or offend, THE EYES.OF HIS GLORY.. * Are the Eyes of an Attribute conceivable ? Numerous indeed are the Texts, which treat of Chrift, under the Name and Idea of Glory. He is ftyled the Glory ofthe Gentiles ;-f. the Glory of Ifrael ;T the Glory in the midfl of Jerufalem ; the Bearer of the Glory ;§ the Glory ofthe only begotten of the Father ; 11 with many fuch like Epithets, almoft throughout the Bible. The Title Glory is applied to each of the Perlons in the Holy Trinity. Thus, the firft Perlon is termed, The Father of Glory : Q The fecond Perlon, The Lord of Glory : ** And the third Perfon, The Spirit of Glory. -[-r The Perlons, the Attributes, and whatever can be thought of or expreffed, relative to GOD, are his Glory. The human Nature ofChrift, though it be not in the above Senfe the Glory of GOD, has however an unutter- able Communicationofthat Glory. In it dwelleth theFull- ttefs ofthe GOD-beadbodily, perfonally, really. HisGcoRY is the Frellnefs of the whole Earth; II and, refpe Ling his Godhead, hefilleth all in all. §§ Thus, JefIs, when he was about to Puffer, comforted his Difciples by flying, Now is the Son ofMan [or his Human Nature] glorified; and Goo [or the Godhead] isglorified IN him. IfGoD beglorified IN Tina, GOD fhallalfoglorifyhim INhimfelf, andfhallftraigbt- way [or quickly]glorify him. And again, praying to the Father, he lays, Glorify thoume with thine own felf, WITH THE GLORY WHICH I HAD WITH THEE BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. Taking thefe Texts together, we may briefly learn ; That the human Natureof Chrift is glori- ed in and by his divine Nature, through the inetfaile Conjunction of both ; That Chrift glorified the God- . Ifaiah iii. S. f Ifaiah lxvi. t z. I Luke ii, 32. § Zach. ii. 5. and vi. 13. It John i. 14. ¶ Eph. i. 17. James ii. I. ft i Pet. iv. 14. tat Ifaiah vi. 3. fee Margin. §§ Eph. i. 23. iv. to. ea al. R head,