Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

24.1 GLORY of THE LORD. head, or made it appear confpicuoufly glorious, by his àftonifhing Workof human Redemption ; That he now partakes, as GOD-man, of the efiential Glories of the Godhead, becaufe he is glorified in and with the Perfon of the Father; And alto that he, as thefecond Perlon in the Godhead with refpeft to his divine Nature, did poffela thefe effential Glories of the Godhead before the World was, that is, from all Eternity. This Participation ofGlory with the Father, from before all Time, proves the Meffah to be the GOD of Ages : And he is alto in Truth the King of Glory; becaufe, as a bountiful King, he freely gives both Grace and Glory to his Redeemed. Taking, then, the whole Evidence together, Chrift appears to be the GLORY of JEHOVAH a PERSON in JE- HOVAH ; and, as fuch, GOD over all, bleffedfor ever. Art thou acquainted, O Reader, with this great Im- manuel, this GOD with us? It will be but offmall Com- fort to thee at the Taft, that Chritt is GOD, unlefs he is thy GOD. The Word, THY, makes his Glory delight- ful : Without that little great Word, it would be dread- ful fooner or later to thy Soul. Art thou a carelefs Crea- ture, running on in the broad Way of Deftruaion, with- out a fingle Wifh to leave it ? Is thy whole Mind bent to follow the evanid Pleafures of 'the World, and thy whole Heart engaged in the warm Purfuit of its dying Joys ? Is this thy grand Wifh, thy utmoft Ex,pe&tation ? Depend upon it, GOD willfoon cut it of There Af no Peace to the Wicked; no true Mope to the Tranfgref- fors; no real Pleafure to Evil- doers. What little Hap- pinefs they have, is but " Peace taken up at Intereft," upon a Mortgage of Body and Soul, which themfelves can never releafe. But there is, and there ever will be, a fearful looking for Judgement, and fiery Indignation! which (hall devour the Adverfaries * of the Almighty. Knowing, therefore, the Terrors of the Lord, we perfuade, or advife, Men, Pays the Apoftle. " We fet beforeYou (as ifhe had fail), Life and Death ; and, if GOD he wil- ling, we are willing and defirous, that You fhould flee * Heb. x. 27. fret"'