Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

GLORY òF THE LORD. 243 from the Wrath to come. To this End, we ufe every Motive and Argùment in our Power ; and we pray over what we preach, that GOD may make his own Word e$èftual to your Salvation. We can do nothing but call upon you : It is GOD, who mutt work in you, both to will and to do, of his own good Pleafure." This may lead us to notice, by the way, the many Difputes, which have arifen, relative to the Propriety of " calling the Unconverted" (as 'tis ftyled), by vehe- ment Addreffes and Applications. Some fay, 'tis ufe- lefs to call upon thofe who have no fpiritual Faculties, but are dead in Trefpatlès and Sins. Others urge the Praftice of the Apoftles, and the Command to preach the Gofpel to every Creature. The whole Controverfy may, perhaps, be reduced to this Ground. If, by an Addrefs to the Unconverted, be underítood, The Declaration of the Gofpel to them, and the Prefling upon them at large, by every rational and by every fcriptural Argument, and in a Spirit of zealous Affection, the happy or unhappy Confequences of their being interefted or not interefted in its Bleßìngs ; then, undoubtedly; it is a Duty to make fuch an Addrefs, fitting it to the Circumftances of the Perfons, and leaving the Iftae to GOD. An Applica, tion, framed upon the Principles of the Gofpel, and confiftent with its general Syftem and EEconomy, be- comes a Part, and a comfortable Part too, of the Gofpet itfelf. But if, by an Addrefs to the Unconverted, be meant, either direftly or by fair Implication, an Addrefs founded on any inherent Power or Will of the Creature to turn himfelf to GOD, or any Delire in GOD to fave thofe whom He finally does not fave ; fuch an Addrefs is repugnant to the Truth of the Gofpel, and is an Ex- ceeding of the Commifiïon given to thofe who preach it. Betides, it is much more alarming, even to Reafon, to acquaint Men, That they are wholly unable to turn themfelves to GOD at their Pleafure, but mutt depend upon his Sovereign Mercy tó fave them from Deftruc- Lion ; than to tell them, They may turn when they pleafe, may flay as long as they think fit from Him, R 2 and