Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

244. GLORY OF THE LORD. and yet may come for his Salvation at lait. From fuck an Argument to their Free-will, they will naturally draw a Conclufion for their prefent Security. And to charge upon People, what a good Man once charged upon his Audience, " That not one of them go out of " the Aifembly without being converted, as he would anfwer it at his Peril in the lait Day ;" teems too much like the Conceit of the Force of Perfuafion in Man, and too much like a Ufurpation of the renovating Office of the Spirit of GOD. Without perplexing the Queftion, then, with Differtations upon the moral Suitablenefs of Difcourfes to affe& the animal Paffions of the Multitude; we may fafely reft upon this Conclu- lion, That, though the Gofpel is to be promulgated throughout the World and declared to every Creature, it belongs alone to thofe whom GOD bath appointed to obtain Salvation; and that, therefore, however generally it be publifhed, as the Event mutt depend upon GOD's Will and Power, it ought not to be publifhed by way of Argument to the Power and Will of Man. Yet, Sinner, whether thou art faved or loft, GOD will lofe no Glory upon thy Account. All Creatures muff glorify his Juftice, or his Mercy. His 7ußice is glorified in fupporting the Happinefs of Myriads of Spirits, who never fell from his InjunLions, but have continued obedient unto his Word : And it is equally glorified in the Perdition and.Ruin of thole, who have rebelled on Earth or in Heaven againft him. To glorify his Mercy, he made, he redeemed, he renewed, his Chofen among Men. And, if thou art not a Partaker of this Mercy in the Son of his Love, (till thou fhalt glorify GOD ; but it thall be in his Juftice only with thofe, whom he bath referved in everlafting Chains under Darknefs to the Judgement of the great Day. * May it be thy Happinefs then to be made wife unto Salvation, and to know GOD to be thy GOD, and Jefus Chrift thy Glory ! Jude 6.