246 GLORY CF THE LORD. Glory, or he could not communicate it tohis innumera- ble Cholën. A created Light and Glory can Thine only in Meafure, and but little beyond itfelf ; but the Glory of Immanuel fills all Infinitude, furmounts both the Conception and the Wants of his Creatures, and im- parts whatever is luminous or glorious throughout the natural and the fpiritual World. Thou, O Chriftian, wert in Darknefs, till thy Jefus beamed upon thee, with his gracious and effulgent Rays. Thou not only feeft the Darknefs which thou haft efcaped, but the Dark- nefs remaining within thee. Thou vieweft a thoufand gloomy Shades both 'in thyfelf and in the World, which, if Cirift had not arifen and fLone upon thee, the Light of thy own Mind could by no Means have difcovered. The Light of Life hath difcovered many ugly Spe tres of Sin, which, like Dragons in an impervious Den, lay lurking and defiling thy innioft Soul. And if the Darknefs, which yet remáineth in thy Heart, be fo dreadful and deteftable; how horrible muff that outer Darknefs be, which is referved for them, who know not GOD, and who obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Jefüs Chr ? Though Chrift be Glory and Light in himfelf; yet frequently the Clouds of Corruption or Unbelief in the Believer intercept his gracious Rays from the Soul. Like Pharaoh's Chariot without Wheels, he then goes on but heavily. When he has little Light, he generally has but little Warmth. The Heart grows fluggilh ; and every Difficulty drives him 'to Diftrefs. He flips The Anchor of Hope, and quits his Hold of Patience. But the Lord does not leave him. Satan, the World, and the F1ein, would lift him about, and foon lift him put too; did not the Glory of Ifrael prove his Rear- ward, Chrift guards the Rear of his People, as well as guides them in Front. He is even a Wall of Fire round about them ; and none of their Enemies can annoy them, farther than he pleafes, nor longer thanhe pleafes. When the End of the Annoyance is anfwered ; their >r'oes are quickly difmiffed.