NAME OF THE LORD. 247 If Jefus then, O Chriftian, be thy Glory ; fhould'it not thou be his ?There is a Reciprocation, between Chrift and his People, in many of his Offices. Walk, live, think, fpeak, do all things, to his Glory. Thy belt Intereft is bound up in his Glory : Thou haft no true Interelt feparate from it. Whether thou art attended with eafy things, or with things difficult to Flefn and Blood ; 'till He is thy Glory, and thou rauft aim to glorify Him. Leanupon him forWill and for Strength to do it : And it is impoffible for thee, if thou haft Grace to lean in Faith, to lean upon him in vain. He is faithful, who bath promifed. Set up thy Triumph then with the Believer of old, and fay, JEHOVAH JIREH, The LORD will provide will provide with Grace and Strength now, and with Glory and Peace for ever ! Why fhould thy Spirit be difmay'd, And like the Bullrufh nod ? JEsus thy GLORY is thine Aid -i-- Come, tuft a faithful GOD. NAME OF THE LORD. BY the Communication of Names, if the Names be proper, we have the Knowledge of Perlons and Things. The LORD, therefore, fuiting himieif to our Capacities, bath communicated the Knowledge of I3imfelf, and of his gracious Purpofes towards his People, by a great Variety of Names, which admirably R 4 expreis