248 NAME of THE LORD. exprefs_ them. Hence it is, and by the Knowledge of thefe Names, which are but meanly underftood by the Generality, that the Gofpel of the Old Teftament was as finely drawn and as glorioully defcribed, (efpecially in whatever relates to the Perfons of the Godhead) as it is any where in the New. The Names, in the Bible, unlike our modern Denominations, are defcriptive, not arbitrary. " Among the Creatures, they and their .Naives are two different Things ; but, refpe&ting the bleffed GQD, IYSE eft NOMEN EJUS, et NOMEN EJUS eft IPta ; flimfelf is his Name, and his Name is him- felf." We are accuftomed, through the Poverty of human Language and Conception, to diftinguiíh be- tween GOD and his Attributes ; and, in Tendernefs to our.Underftandings, this Diftina`tion is permitted in the facred Writings by GOD Himfelf. -f- But GOD and his Attributes are one. We fpeak of the WWifdom, Holinefs, Juftice, Love, and Power, of GOD ; but GOD is not a Being endued with thefePerfeétions only : He is the Perfections themfelves. Man and his Know- ledge are two things ; but GOD, and whatever is pra;- dicable of his divine Nature, is entirely one. That we do not conceive thus of Him, and form to ourfelves more exalt Notions of the Simplicity of the Godhead from the things which occur to our Senfes, is, becaufe (as Maimonides juítly expreffed it) " the Defect of our lntelleft, in apprehending Him, is like the Weaknefs of our Sight in beholding the Sun : That great Luminary yields too ftrong a Light for our vifual Faculty ; yet the Fault is not in it, but in us." . * R. Bárachiel aped Rot;PRTSON, in Dif. ante nef. GALAT, de Arc. Cath. Ver. 1. iii. c. 16. See alto Jer. xvi. 21. and Micah vi. 9. This lati Text, innead of; And the Man ofWifdom(hall fee thy Name, has perhaps been better rendered, .For thy Name fiallfee that which is; i e. (fays the learned cfhetp,. Gale) " thy molt facred MVlajeily and Etfence fees all things as they are." Court of Gent. Fart iv. p. 312. litvi nun nuá7 : " 'The Law 'fpeaks (fay ow Rabbins) in the Language of Men." MaruoN. Pori, M/4 is Poçocic. p. z56., The