NAME of THE LORD. 25'1 This Argument might be purfued to a far greater Length, both in the Words of the Scripture, and by the Analogy of its Do&rines and Truth. For CHRIST could not be ftyled the NAME OF JEHOVAH, or NAME JEHOVAH ; Or have. Life IN HIMSELF ; if the. Divinity and Self-exiftence of JEHOVAH were not in him : Nor, without that, Divinity, could he effe& the Salvation of his 'People. The NAME of Jnsus could not be ABOVE EVERY NAME that is named, not only in this World but alto in that which is to come, but in refpe& to force Exiftence in JESUS, which is or can be in no other Perfon, or Name. Yet, as GOD, Fie has a Name ; but it is above every Name: he has Power ; but 'tis above Power : iii fhort, he is aboveevery thing, which fubmits to the Expreffion of human Words. By his divine Nature it is, that the Saviour is el /entially fuDer- minent ; and, by taking the Manhood into GOD, his human Nature is invefted with unutterable Dignity. As the great ®savgp nre or GOD-Man, he poffrffes equal Glory with the. FATHER and SPIRIT, is become the Wonder and Worlhip of Angels, is entitled to the Adoration of his Redeemed, is the Lord of every Creature, and the Dread and Aftonifhment of thofe, who are refereed in Chains of Darknefs unto the Judge- ment of the great Day. He is the NAME of the LORD, in being the Defcription, or Image of the invifible GOD,* and the Means by which the divine Effence would be known by Man. He is alfo termed theNAME of GOD, or ALEHIM; becaufe he is a Party in the everlafting Covenant, and the Surety, by whom, as to its conditional Tenor, it was to be accomplifhed and glorified. And he is fometimes called the NAME, em- phatically; becaufe he poffeffed an all- fufficient Energy, in his divine Nature, to fupport what he had affumed from the human, in thofe terrible Conflicts which he fuftained, as Mediator, from the Juftice of GOD, the Wickednefs of Men, and the Fury of Devils. *Col. i. i5. From