232 NAME OF THE LORD. From all this it appears, that as (according to the Prophecy) the NAME of JEHOVAH was to be in the REDEEMING ANGEL, ; * fo, from the Neceffity of the Cafe, GOD was in CHRIST, reconciling the World .unto ,himfelf, and not imputing their °Tre(fpa(fes unto them. It was a Work too great for a Creature ; and therefore the Creator performed it himfelf. We lofe much Sweetnefs and Profit in reading the Old Teflament, when we read this Name, and many others (as the Deifts and modern Jews 'read them), without reference to the great Redeemer, and with no relation but to a fort of univerfal, limpie, Effence, or Deity. The Idea, however it may anfwer for philofo- phical Views, is neither fcriptural nor divine. The Godhead, out of CHRIST, or unmediated, is a confirming Fire: And Man, like the Ground which was curled for his fake, is naturally fruitful only in Briars and Thorns. What would enfue, then, upon a Conjun&ionof thefe ? Confidering CHRIST, which indeed we ought, as JE BovAB ; his Name is like Ointment poured forth in all the Scriptures ; 'becaufeall the Scriptures, as himfelf hath chewed, might be expounded concerning his Name.t They are every where full of CHRIST ; and, if we were full of Him too, we fhould fee more, and enjoy more of him in them. His Name is excellent in the Scriptures ; and, if we had made greater Attainments in the Excellency of his Knowledge, we fhould be ready to fay of him, with .David; O JEHOVAH our ADONAI, how excellent is thy NAME in all the Earth ! the very Life, Subitance and Spirit of Prophecy is the Tefiimony of, or concerning, JESUS a without which, for its Object and End, it would not only have been futile, but fade as futile. There could have been no Purpofe, for which the Scriptures Exod. xxiii. 2t. f Luke xxiv. 27. Rev. xix. to. The Words-are otherwifetran tlatedin our Bible ; but the Critics have juftly obferved, and among them Dr. HuRn (now Bp. of Litchfield, &c.), that the Text, according to the Greek Idiom, fhould have been tranfpofed as above. See Dr. Huan's 2d. berm. on the Study of the Prophecies. fhould