Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

254 NAME OF THE LORD: flame, there is but little Reafon togrudge the Rich and the Mighty of this World their " lying Vanities ;" when we fee, how they are diftrafted with a thoufand idle Ceremonies and vexatious Nothings; howmuch of their fleeting Time is torrt from them by others, and how lit- tle of it they can employ (even if they would) for GOD or for themfelves ; how they are haunted with endlefs Caprices, Cares, Dangers, and Purfuits ; and how foon their belt Goods, if unfanctified, will prove their forest Evils. " The rich (lays a good Man) are as prone to " defire fomething which they have not, as the Poor; " and they,, who have molt to lofe, have molt to fear: And it was a juft Paying ofT'heognis, in Stobesus;'" that many more perilh by the Fullnefs of worldly Riches, " than by the Want of them." -j- Beholding all the Tortures of great Men's Ambition, Pride, and Folly ; they appear ObjeEts, rather of Pity and Concern, than of Envy and Adulation : And efpecially if we add this aw- ful Inquiry of our Lord ; How hardly 'hall they, that- have Riches, enter into the Kingdom of GOD ? On the other Hand, thy Poverty, O Chriftian, and thy very keeneft Diftreffes, are one and all working together for thy Good. They may work in thy Sorrow now, be- caufe, for wife Purpofes, it is needful for thee; but they" íhall all together end in thy Glory and Joy. The NAME of CHRIST, therefore, thus diffufing a thoufand Sweets, and yielding Supports for fainting Souls above all the Horrors of Evil, cannot but be precious and deferable; nay, muff be infinitely dear and delightful. Seek then all thy Refuge in CHRIST, whole holy Name thou haft the Honor to bear. " In the Name of Jasus the whole Gofpel lies hid ;" and fo fhould all thy prefent and eternal Hopes. Let thine all be laid upon CHRIST, who beareth thy Name upon the Palms of See the Rev. Mr. Newton'sLetters, under the Signatureof Omi- cron. Let. za. The experienced Chrillian, who has not read them, will find a Feafi offat things in perufing this little Compendium of experimental Divinity. f Serm. xciii. his