Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

Ñ A M E of THE LORD. 2555 bis Hands, and, that it may be indelible, hath even engraved it there.* Bear' his Name, in return, upon thine Heart. Thou wilt foon find it thy Happinefs, and thy Heaven. None but Believers can know the Bleffednefs, the Safety, and the Joy, of having no fpiritual Life or Hope; and of feeking none, but what is laid up and hid with CHRIST in GOD : "And even they know it but too imperfectly. This is the newName written, whichno Man knoweth, Paving he that receiveth it t The oldName, the carnal Nature from Adam, was but the Title to Death. No Man can borrow an Idea of that Joy, with which theStranger intermeddleth not, but by tatting it. The NAME of- his GOD is written upon the Believer; and he is confecrated an im- moveable Pillar in his heavenly Temple. t Not the ineaneft defined Stone of that facred Pile, hewn out of the common Mafs and prepared below, can pofi'ibly fail of obtaining its no lefs defined Place above. Solomon's Temple could not have been complete, if a Nail, or an Hinge, or the fmalleft Utenfil, had been loft ; and the far more facred Temple of JEsus, of which the other was but an humble Type, t faall never be deficient ofone fingle Member, which divine Wifdom and redeeming Grace have always defigned it to bear. Chritt, like a wife Matter-Builder, counted the Cott; and, like an ableArchite&, planned and modelled his whole Pile. He left nothing to Contingencies, either as to Expence, Materials, or End. His Name is marked upon every Pillar and Beam, and indelibly graven upon .every Utentl and Stone. They cannot be loft, unlefs He, who is all-wife and almighty, can be faid to lofe them. the Gifts andCalling of GOD are without Repentance. The Names of the Redeemed Satan may endeavour to blot, as to their Perception but he can never blot out, as to GOD's Intention. They are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and * Ifaiah xlix. 16. $ Rev. iii. tz. t Rev. xi. 17. § 1 Kings viii. 17. enrolled