Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

[ 25 ] into the World ; whole Name [or Cognomen] was Zu- raflir, or the perpetual Fire.* He alfo cites Benjamin of `I'udela, the famous Jewifh Traveller, who in his Iti- nerary gives an Account of the Manner of this Fire- Worfhip, and lays, that they, who worfhip the Fire [as the firftt Caufe of all Things, or GOD], adored the Sun as the Source of it, and made an Image to refem- ble the folar Orb. t It is well known, what Kind of Image this was at Heliopolis, a City fo called from its profeffed Worfhip of the Suns; as many other Cities And Countries were from the prevailing Kind of Idola- try within them. Thus Hermopolis and Panopolis in Egypt were fo named from Hermes and Pan, the fuppofed tutelar Deities or Genii of thofe Cities ; and alfo Ur in Chaldea (which fignifies Fire) from the Fire-Worfhip ef- tablifhed there. § Probably Nebuchadnezzar's golden Image, in after Times, was an Idol dedicated to the Sun. Thefe Sun Idols, which in Scripture are called Chammanim or Hammanim, p were Images expofed to the Sun, and fometimes upon the Tops of Houfes (from whence probably came the Penatec or I-Ioufhold Gods of later Idolaters) : They are imagined to have received their Name from Chain or Ham, as he is allo fuppofed to have obtained that Title, by Way of Stigma or Re- proach, from Chammah or Hammah, which implied (ac- cording to the Notion of the Pagans) that penetrating folar Heat, dif-fufed through the World, which generates all things. ¶ Whence likewife the Champs or Chemofh, the yet more debafed Idea and obfcene Abomination of the Moabites; the Miphletzetb** of idolatrous Ifrael; * Obel. Pamph. 1. i. C. 2. t Ibid. I. i. e. z. Jos. SCALIGER. de emend. temp. 1. vi. MA*caos. Saturnal. 1. i. C. 23. § SEi,n. de Nergal. Synt. ü, c. 8. KIRCH. Oedip. Synt. i. Nom. 6. h Lev. xxvi. 3o. 2 Chron. xxxiv. q. lfaiah xvii. 8. xxvii. 9. &c. ¶ Seld. de Dits Syrir. Synt. xi. c. 8. KtRCH. Ob. Pamph. 1. z. e, 2. Goowtx's Mofes and Aaron. 1. iv. c. 6. * t Kings xv. 13. The Word Idol, in this Text, is in the Origi- nal Mipbletzeth ; a fhamefully indecent Image of Baal-Phegor, or ,Peor, worfhipped chiefly by Women and effeminate Perlons. and