326 K r N G. The Angels, and the Spirits ofjail Men made perfea in Heaven, adore the Worthinefs and Majefly of the Lamb, who is LORD of Lords, and 11NG of Kings, and continually afcribe Salvation, and Power, and Might, and Dominion to him, for ever and ever. And fhall not Believers on Earth, who are Heirs of Heaven, join in the 1,niverfal Acknowledgement of their gracious Lord ? All, who know him by Faith, mull praife him in Spirit. Out of the Abundance of the Heart, .their Mouths will fpeak : And none can be filent in his Praife, but thofe who are filent in Darknefs. The Believer has a peculiar and internal Argument, which the World does not apprehend, for owning and blefing the Sovereignty of his adorable Saviour. He knows what he himfelf is, and what he was by Nature he once felt himfelf averfe to every good Word and Work ; and fees, with irrefiftable Evidence and Clear-. refs, that, by any Energy of his own, he could never have changed the Apoftacy of his Nature, and the per- verfe Rebellion of his Will. On the other hand, he , beholds a new Nature implanted in him, which wars againft thefe Corruptions ; he perceives in his Soul a Tendency to GOD, and the things of GOD, which was never there before ; he finds a Mind entirely changed, as to its Opinion of what the World calls great and good ; he loathes, as perfect Abominations, what were once the Idols of his Hopes and Purfuits; and he perceives a Light in his Mind, and a Joy in his Heart, which are fo far from being of the World, or having the leafs relation to it, that he pofï'elfes them clear- eft and flrongeft, when he is moll fecluded from the World, or moflperfécute4 by it.. From all this he argues, and argues juftly, that there is a wonderful Change paired upon him ; that Satan could not, or would not, effect it, if he might ; that he had neither Ability nor Dìfpofition to do it himfelf ; and that, Purely, what could enable him to mailer fo many Cot. v Rcv. xvü, 14. xix. 46, ruptiotls;