Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

I I N G. 327 ruptions, to fee fuch Beauty in Truth, to feel fuch a Love for it, and to be made fo happy by it, (all of thefe being a fpiritual, as well as new, Creation) mutt be necefiarily above the common Effe&s of Nature, and nothing lefs than divine. The Scripture comes upon the Mind, and 'defcribes thefe very Circumftances as effential to Faith, Rating it as a univerfal Propofition, that this Faith is the Operation of GOD alone, and the efeEival Working ofbis Power.* Can any thing be ,more conclufive with f;ach a Man, that Jefus Chrift, having .done all this, and promifed to do as much more, mutt neceffarily be GOD, as well as Man ? If he had been mere Man, he might have promifed indeed ; but all his Promifes would have died with him : But, beraufe he is GOD, he bath both promifed and done, what only pertains to the Truth and Power of GOD to promife and do. Indeed, to fuch a one all this is more than demonftrable : it is Demonftration itfelf. Others may difpute, and cavil, and rail, about the Divinity of Jefus Chrift : he cannot. Chrift has given him an Un- derflanding that is true, j° not vifionary and floating in the Head, but folid and joined with the experimental Perceptionof the Heart. Thus, believing on Chrift, be bath the Witnefs in bimfelf, t and, in this Frame, can no more doubt of the GODHEADdins Saviour, than he can doubt of his own Exiftence, and the Evidences attending it. The Kingly Office of Chrifi is full of Glory to his People, becaufe it is full bothof Ability to fave, and of Dignity to biefs, and becaufe it includes and compre fiends all others. All his other Titles of Grace pro- ceed from this, as from their Source ; and they all center finally in it, as their End. His prophetical Office is to teach his People, that he is their Defence and their King ; and his prieflly Office is to exhibit the infinite And everiafting Atonement oftheir King and their GOD. As a Prophet, he convinces their Underfiandings ; as a Eph. iii. 7. t t John v. 20. # i John v. io. Y 4 Priefl,