gab K I N G. Prieji, he. purifies their Souls ; but, as a :King, he governs them in Love and Grace here, and will govern them in perpetual Bleffednefs and Glory here, after. How happy then mutt they be, who are conti- nually taught, for ever pardoned, and always governed, by the Wifdom, Blood, and Righteoufnefs of Jehovah incarnate ! In one Office, they have Light; in another, Peace; and, in the third, Security. In the Enjoyment of one, they enjoy all; for, though indeed they may be diflinguifhed in the Order of Experience and feen in different Views, they cannever be divided in their conic- quent Operations andEffects. Where Chrift reigns as King,, there he is all in all. What a comfortable RefleEtion does this Office of CbrJt yield to the feeble Chriflian ? When he is af, faulted by violent Temptations, or ftrong Diltreffes of any kind, he is privileged to fly to Jefus, as his King in Covenant, either for his Power to fubdue them, or for his Providence to take them away. Promifes and Invitations, one upon another, are prefented to him for his Encouragement ; Affurances are given that he (hall never perifh, and that nothing is able to pluck him out of Chrifl"s hand ; Trials are fent, on purpofe, that he might come and try the Truth of thefe Promifes and .Afurances ; and, when he is enabled to come, how fweetly does he find the Promifes made good to his Soul; what Intervals of Strength does he gather; and what Encouragement does he find to fupport his Faith and Confidence in his GOD ? None fee, but tried and buffeted Believers, the abfolute Neceffity of this Kingly Office of Cbrfi for their Salvation. The fame Spirit, which convinces them of the urgent Neceffity of his Righteoufnefs to cover them, convinces allo of the equally urgent Neceffity of his Government to rule them. They plainly fee, that, if he were not King over all, he could not be a Saviour from all, unto their Souls. Salvation implies Power ; an infinite Salvation, infinite Tower ; an eternal Salvation, an eternal Power And as Power, infinite and eternal, can fubfift only in GOD; this