Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

K I N G. gag this Power fubfifting in Chrift, demonftrates him to be the GOD of all Power. The doubting Frames, the perverfe Delires, the rebellious Will, the depraved and languid AffeEtions, the refraEtory Tempers, which (like fo many- Canaanites in the Land) remain and will remain in Believers below, abfolutely require fuch a kingly Saviour as Jefas, not only to prevent Harm and DeftruEtion, but to turn them to aprofitable Exercifeand Advantage. Chriftians would not know what Enemies they have, did they not feel their Malice andRage ; nor the Worth of their King, but for the Evidence he con - tinually gives them of his Power. If Chrili. were not an almighty Saviour, the Legions of Sins and the Le- gions of Devils would block up the Avenue to Heaven, and force the ftrongeft of Believers into every poflible Diftrefs and Ruin. How then fhould all Believers prize their King: and, while fome, who are Strangers to GOD and to the Plague of their own Hearts, are not only doubting themfelves, but labouring, with a diabo- lical Induftry, to excite a Doubt of his Divinity in others ; how ought they, who have tailed of his Grace, to celebrate and teftify the Power, which beftowed it upon them ? Their Lives, as well as their Lips, fhould convince the gainfaying World, that they havebeen with JEsus, that they are under the Dominion of his Spirit, and are guided by the Scepter of his Love. And when they have overpaffed the narrow Strait, which divides them from the Lot of their Inheritance in Heaven ; how fhall Wonder and Joy inflame their Souls, in the near. Profpe& of what GOD bas prepared for them that love him? With what Tranfport fhall they enter upon the full Enjoyment of thofe Crowns and Dominions, which their King and theirGOD hash laid up for them ? They fhall fee him; they (hall be with him ; they fhall be like him. O Joy unfpeakable andfull of Glory ! When fhall we thus appear in the Prefence of GOD ! When fhall wecart our Crowns at his Feet, and for ever adore him ! Surely, come quickly, fays the LORD. .omen, fays the believing Soul : Even fo, come, LORD JESUS ! BRANCH.