33o BR A N C H. BR A N C H. THE Redeemer feems to be defcribed under this Title, to inform the antient Church, that the Meab would thoot forth or fpring, as to his human Nature, from the Race of Man, and, in particular, from the royal Line of Judah. It is very certain, that the Jewifh Church, from the Inftru&ion of its Prophets, believed this of him : And the Perfuafion was fo cur- rent, that the very common People (as we find in John vii. 42.) could affert, that Chrift was to come of the Seed of David, and out of the Town of Bethlehem, where David was. For this reafon, probably, the Miah is not reprefentedby this Name, till fome time after the Death ofDavid, from whom hewas to trace his Defcent. Thus the Prophet Ifaiah fpeaks of him, as a Rod out of the Stem of Jeffe, and as a Branch that fhouldgrow out of bis Roots, upon whom the SPIRIT JEHOVAHwas to refl. The Idea appears to be taken from a flourifhing Tree, fpringing, growing, and bringing forth Branches ; or, rather, from a Tree cut down, out of whofe Roots fhould arife a Scion or Shoot, that GOD would biefs and profper. TheSaviour himfelf adopts the Similitude, and, to exprefs the abfolute Dependence of his People on himfelf, declares, that He is the Vine, and that they Ifaiah xi. i, z. ere