Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

B R A N C H . 33t are the Branches, deriving Sap from him, and bearing Fruit by his Support and Vigor. Though this Image feems defigned to fhow the hu- man Nature of Chrift, and to point out from what Stock that Nature would fpring ; yet, in one refpeét, it may alto refer to his divine Efeence in Conjunétion with his Humanity ; for he fays of himfelf, that he CAME FORTH [as out of his proper Abode, which the Word liignifìes] from the Father, * and, therefore, muft have coëxifted with him, before the Affumption of his Hu- manity; and, again, that he and the FATHER WERE ONE, and therefore they muft have exifted both coëffentially and coëternally. The Office-character of this bleffed BRANCH is molt comfortably reprefented and illuftrated by a Variety of beautiful Figures in the fourth Chapter of lfaiah. In that Day (at the appointed Time) 'hall the BRANCH JEHOVAH be for Beauty and Glory. The Remnant of Ifrael (which, as we learn by the Apoftle, is according to the Eletlion of Grace, Rom. xi. y.) was to be made holy, clean, and fruitful by him : he would be their Defence,Light, Glory, and Refuge, from every Enemy and from every Harm. And though to the World he would appear as a tender feeble Plant, and as a Root out of a dry Ground, without Form or Comelinefs, or Beauty, that theyfhould djre him ; yet, like the Palm - tree, he would flourifh under the greateft Oppreffion, and, however laden with his People's Sins, would (hoot up, and rife fuperior to all the incumbent Load. He W4s gracious to undertake, and he was able to perform, this arduous and unparalleled Work of Benig- nity ; becaufe he was a Perfon in JEHOVAH, the felf- exiftent GODHEAD. Were he a Being inferior to the infinitely divine; the Celebration of his Offices with fo much Care of ceremonial Inftitutions, and with the Splendor of the higheft Images which the human Un- derftanding can conceive, not only feems an idle Parade,. John xvi. 22. but