333 Rigloteoufnefs in the Earth : In his Days Judah Jima be Paved, and Ifrael f all dwellfafely [or in the Confidence of Difl'ertation upon this Subjeft in Bilhop Lowre's Prod. de facrii Fof Hebræorum P 94. Edit. 3. T E s r i M ON i E S.The Word nti z, rendered Teflimonies, is derived from a Root which comprehends the Idea of Futurity, and plainly points out, that the Matters, to which the Word is applied, have a Reference to fomefuture Circumliances, which are beyondor dbov8 their prefect Defignation. Thus the Tables of Stone are called the Tables of Tellimorry, becaufe they not only teltiSed GOD's prefent Will, but looked forward to Chrft, who alone was completely to fulfil them. The Tabernacle, which included the whole jcwi.fh Ritual, is alto called the Tabernacle of `Tejlimony, becaufe it was cal- culated to form a fenfible Exhibition of thole fpir tuai things, which Chrift would, in future Times, petted and accomplilh for the Salvation of his People. 'Floe evangelical Senfe, therefore, which the antient Believers, who'vere Ifraelites snd,ed, had of theta T'eflimonies, was their fvmbolic Reprefentation of GOD's future Performances of Grace, in the Perlon of Chrift, for their Redemp- tion. PRECEPTS. ='1p9. The Word is derived from a Root, which dgnifies to gift, appoint, fuperintend, &c. It relates to thole Initi- tutions of the Law, which point out the Piftotion and Support of the Church by the Mefliah, the Shepherd and BO/ Of their Souls, and which were appointed as vifible,Tokens of his 1piritual Pretence and Proteltion. STATUTES. p,pn lignifies the Delineations, Dafcriptións,. and De. terminations of GOD's holy Will, which nb'Creature has a Right either to increafe or diminifh. Dent. iv. 1, z. In the cxixth Pfalm the Word teems tohave'a particular Reference to the ceremo- nial Law, which was wholly founded upon the Delineations, Types, and Shadows ofgood things to come. Thus, when the Pfalmift Pays, Teach me thy Statutes, he evidently means, °' Teach me, O Lord,, << the fpiritual Doftrine of chefe ext rsal Rites, that, under thefe outward and vifìble Signs, my Faith may behold and purfue the " Glories of thy inward and fpiriivai Grace." COMMANDMENTS. £he Word nine is a general Term, and denotes all the Ordinances, Injunfticns, and Commands of GOD, whether moral, ceremonial, or emana lical. juncoMENTS.m'PCàtni. GOD's Purpofer, Determinations, and Decrees: The myfterious Counfeis of his righteous Will, and the revealed Ordinations of his irrevèrfible Grace. Quicken me (rtya. the Pfalmift) according to thy 7rdgements: i. e. Let thy purpofed Grace replenifh . ìne with:piritúàl Life. WeRD. iSn and or "MR and nlnrn. -Thefe Terms are indifcriminately rendered Word in our Tranflation, though their Strife,