Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

B k A N C H. 35 called the Servant of Jehovah ; * becaufe he would fulfill all his Will, and perform the Counfels of the everlafting Covenant. Though this Branch is faid to fpring both from Jeho- vah and from David, as appears from the Texts recited; he is not tzvo Perfons, as the Eutychians have imagined, nor two Meahs, as the Rabbins dream ; t but one Per- fon of two Natures, namely, the human and the divine. Under this natural Image, there appears ábeautiful i lluftration of the Relation, that fubfifts between Chrift and his People. All the Fruits of Righteoufnefs with which Believers arefilled, are by Chrift Jefus to the Glory and Praife of GOD. As the Branch cannot bear Fruit of itfelf, except it abide in the Vine ; no more can they, except they abide in him. § They, like fo many depen- dent Shoots, derive from him, the emphatical Branch, all their. Life, Strength, and Nourifhment ; nor can they vegetate a Bud, or produce a Leaf, aBlof om; or a Fruir, but in him and by him. And, as is the Tree, fo is thePro- duaion. If the Root be holy, fo will theBranches. it The Branches of Chrift produce Fruits, that bear a Likenefs to the Nature of Cbrift. It is impofi'ible to be in Chrif without producing Fruit ; for there are no barren Branches in him. Chrift is not a Cumberground; note Zech. iii. 8. 1- The Yews fancy to themfelves the Advent oftwo Megiahs ; they call the one, Mejah Ben Jofeph or Ben Ephraim ; and the other, Me /ah Ben David. The former is to begin the Work of their carnal Deliverance, by bringing them into their own Land, and fubduing the Sons of Ifhmael and the Sons of Efau (the lurks and Chriiians), butMall finallyperiti in his War with Gog and the great .drmillus. This .Irmillus they feign to be a Monfter or Giant twelve Cubits high, who is to let up for the true Mejiah, and to fight againft Ifrael. The latter (Meffah BenDavid) is to appear upon the Death of the other, to complete the Jewith Conquefis, and to inflate then in the full Poffeflion of their antïent Territories. What Madnefs and Nonfenfe is the human Mind fucceptible of, when it is left of GOD, and expofed to its own Corruption and Depravity! How trulydoes thegreat McJah, whom they rejefed, defcribe them as Perlons who, feeing, fee not ; and, hearing, hear not ; and who do not unaerfland ! Matt. xiii. i 3. I Phil. i. i i. § John xv. ¢. 1I Rom. xi. 15. may