BR ANCH. 337 The Ax muff be laid to their Root ; and every . Plant, which the Father of Mercies bath notplanted, malt be rooted out, before the Tree can be recovered to Life, or, when recovered, bringforth its Fruit unto GOD. If thefe things are fo; it muff highly concern thee, Reader, to confider ; whether thou, who art a wild Olive by Nature, art grafted by Grace into Jefus Cbrilt, the true Olive Branch of Life and Peace, or not. If thou art not; here is one Rule, by which it may be known All thefe things will appear like idle Tales, and feem as impertinent to thy Comfort and Amufe- ment, as Water, fpilton the Ground, is unfit for the Ufe of Mani Spiritual things muff be always taftelefs and infipid, where the Faculty to relifh them is not im- parted. The Soul, in fuch a State, is reftlefs and unfettled ; it fcarce knows what it feeks, whither it is haftening, or what will be the Confequence. In the Language of the Satyrift ; The Mindwhen turn'd adrift, no Rules to guide, Drives' at the Mercy of the Wind and Tide Fancy and Paffion tots it to andfro, Awhile torment, and then quitefink in Woe. At the Thought of the World, and its Amufements, Honors, or Riches ; thyHeart beats for Joy : At the Thought of e'hr/ and his Salvation ; the fame Heart drops like Lead: all feems flat and lifelefs ; and the Idea is too dull for a Moment's Entertainment. The Refle6tion is melancholy ; and thy Aim will be im- mediately to get rid of it. But can there be a furer Proof than this of thy Alienation fromGOD, and of thy being in the Gall of Bittirnefs and in the Bond of iniquity? How could a Man live in Heaven with Comfort, who is either ignorant of or hates the Bufi- nefs ofHeaven ? The Place of Joy and Praife,, to him, would be miferable. Having no fpiritual Faculties for its Enjoyment ; it would feem another Hell to fuch a Perfon, were it even poffible for him to be Z there.