Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

g8 BR A N C H there. It would be the fame, O Unbeliever to dire It is quite impoffible for thee to love GOD, and at the fame Time to fly from him. And, if thou loveft not GOD, 'tis plain, thou haft yet no Evidence of his having fet his Love upon thee. Unto yea that be lieve (fays the Apoftle) Chrift is precious.* But Chrift is not precious to Thee ; and, therefore, though like many others thou haft fancied thyfelf a Believer from the Cradle, thou really, haft never believed at all. True Believing is FAITH ; and without Faith it is im- pofble" to pleafeGOD. Faith takes GOD at his Word, and cleaves fimply to him for the Fulfillment of it. Faith empties Man of himfelf; !hews him his utter Depravity by Nature, and the vile Enormity of his Heart and Life; cuts down his high Opinion of his own Will, Strength, and Righteoufnefs ; caufes him to fear and todeteft all Unrighteoufnefs ; leads him to depend on Chrift as the only Hope of Pardon, Peace and Salvation ; and is the Channel of holy Joys and of Communionwith the FATHER and the SON," through the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT. This is true Faith and if thou haft none of thefe Evidences of Faith in thy Soul ; whatever thou- may* have hereafter, as yet thou haft no Right to the Title of a Believer in 7efus And, if thou dÿeft (as thou haft lived) in this State, thou haft Reafon to fear, that the Portion of the Un- believers will be thy. Portion for ever. To the Chriftian indeed, this Covenant -title of Chrift is a precious Title ; becaufe it points out to him the Freenefs, the ertainty, and.. the Perpetuity, of the Love of GOD to his Soul. The. Branches cannot receive Sap with greater Freedom and Certainty from a fiou- rifhing Tree, than Believers are privileged to derive Life from Jefas ChrUt. And as there is, in yefus, na Reftraint of Grace; fo likewife, in him, there is no End of it. Grace for Grace out of his Falnefs, ± will be the Theme to Eternity. Glory is but the Perfeaiota f r Pet, ii. 7, r John i. 16;