BR A N C Fi. 339 of Grace; and where Grace is begun in the Soul be- low, it provides a Wing for and wafts up theSpirits of the Juft to its own Perfeétion above. BECAUSE I live (fays Chrift) ye fhall live alto. When the Life of 7efus (hall end, then mutt the Chriftian's; but never before. This Title alfo exhibits the Perfn of Chrift in a molt endearing and reviving View. He was to be the Branchout of the Steinof Jejs. When theTree is cut, down, frequently there will arife a Scion or Sprig from The main Stock, which will grow up again to another Tree. The Houle of David was cut down very low indeed, when Chrift fprang from it. In all refpeéts, he courted (as it were) Humiliation ; and he would not appear from the Lineage of David, till that Lineage was upon a Level with the loweft of the People. Be made himfelfofno worldly Reputation, becaufe he fought no more in this World, than by what Means he might gather his People out of it. He rendered himfelf lower than the loweft, that whoever might be loweft next to himfelf; fhould have no Caufe to defpair. In this deep Humility of Chrift, the fpiritual Eye fees an inconceivable Glory. The Honors of the World are nothing in the Comparifon, and lighter than Vanity. Chrift faved his People from the World, in Contempt of all its Glories, by Lowlinefs and Debafement. He faved them from all the Powers of Darknefs, in a feeble Body, and, to outward Appearance, by Weak- neft itfelf He faved them from Death by dying ; and, from the Ruins of the Grave, by defcending into it. All was Humility and Degradation in Chrift, while he lived upon Earth, that, by overcoming all the Caufes of that Humiliation, he might raife up his People with himfelf to the higheft Pitch of Glory. Thus, this Branch of the Root of jefe, rifer higher and fpreads wider than the original Tree ; and, though it fprang in one Senfe at firkt from the Earth, it has railed its Top to,the Throne of GOD, and its Leaves arefor the healing of the Nations. Z z Chrift