5 T A g. 3.1-5 T A THIS is a Title of Similitude, when applied to Perfons (as it frequently is in the Scriptures) ; and it is meant to convey an extraordinary Idea of their illuftrious Offices and Chara&ers. It is ufed to defcribe the Worth or Brightnefs of particular Angels or Men. Thus, at the Creation, it is faid, The Morn- ing StarsTung together, andall the Sons of GOD fbouted for Joy*; by which we can onlyunderftand the 4ngels, who triumphed in that frefh Inftance of the Majefty. and Power of their Maker. And, again, the King of Babylon, who is thought to have afrumed the Appel- lation of the bright Star (in our Tranflation called Lucifer)., the Son of theMorning, or glorious Luminary of the Day ; intimating, in a blafphemous Way, that all Nations depended upon his Splendor ; is faid to be cut down to the Ground; becaufe, among other impious Prefumptions; he had boafted to exalt his Throne above, the Stars (which there imply the People) of GOD. t The Preachers of the Gofpel are likewife called Stars, and fometimes ringels ; when they thine forth in the Glories of their Redeemer, and difplay the Rays of heavenly Do&rive in their Lives and Converfations. Private Chriftians are alfo privileged to be fuch Stars below, as to let their Light Jhine before Men, that they, Peeing their good Works, mayglorify their FATHER which * Job. xxxvüi. 7 t Ifaiah xiv. 13. Z 3 is