344 S T A R. is in Heaven. All thefe, in their feveral Capacities, muff and do /nine as Lights in the World, and are, ac- cording to their Degrees, confpicuous as a City upon an Hill, which cannot be bid. And though one Star may differ now, as well as hereafter, from another Star in Glóry; yet the leaft Star is a Star, muff give Light, and cannot but fhine. Nor are they Meteors, which only give a fudden Blaze, and theft are nomore ; but Stars, which excell in Splendor below, and which thall caft forth uninterrupted Rays of Glory in the Firma- ment of GOD above, To defcribe another Beam of the Majefty of JESUS, an unholy Prophet was compelled to proclaim Him under this diflinguifhing Title. *He was to -be a Star to arife out of Jacob,* on purpofe to deliver his People and to fubdue their Enemies. And, whether by this was metaphorically meant the great Luminary which we call the Sun or not; there can be no doubt, but that this Star was to exceed all other Stars in Glory, and to be diftinguifhed by his own peculiar Luftre for the Gentiles were to come to his Light, and Kings (the Kings and Pries which he would make to GOD and the FATHER) to the Brigbtnefs ofhis Riftng. -j- All, who give Light in Heaven and in Earth, give Light byhis Beams : His alone is an unborrowed, an uncle- rived, Luftre, becaufe of Him alone it can be Paid, that He is the Brigbtnefs of Glory, the exprefs Image of his FATHER'S Perfon, and that He upholdeth all things by the Word of his Power. -f He is the Day-Star, which arifeth in his People's Hearts below, and which guides them (as his Emblem did the Eaftern Magi to Beth- * Numb. xxiv. 1.7. In reference to this remarkable Prophecy, it is fuppofed that an infamous Impoltor among the Jews, in the Time of the Emperor Adrimn, alfumed the Title of a7u 1a, So?: y"a Star, the more eafily todelude his infatuated Countrymen, who feemed willing to have any but Chrijt to reign over them, and of whom a vat/ Multitude perifhcd in the Rebellion, which this falle Me/ab had prompted them to raife againft the Roman Govern- ment. fi .lfaiah lx, g. , *hem)