344 S T A R. JEHOVAH JESUS is the only ëverlafting Light ; and the ALEHIM of Heaven, the only Source of Grace and Glory. In the Night of Nature, and amidft the Parknefs of this evil World, fefus Chrift, like the true polar Star, attracts the Needle of his People's Faith and Affections to Himfelf, having firft touched their Hearts by the magnetic Virtue of his living SPIRIT, who, from thenceforward, by the unerring CQmpafs of his outward Word and ferret Illumination, ¡leers them to the Maven ofPeace, where they wouldbe. Not a Vefel, thus directed, can fail of making its defired Port. No 'Voyage upon the material Sea can be conducted with fuch Certainty of Direaion, and Safety of Pottage, by the Rules of Art; as is the fpiritual Voyage of the Children} of GOP, by looking to JEsus, and by being direfted by Him. It is impoflible to make Ship.. wreck, when the Courfe of a Chrifian bears to this Point : And becaufe the Chriftian is not his own Pilot, but under the Guidance of that unerring SPIRIT, who alone can lead him into the Truth; to this Point his Courfe dors necefiarily and ultimately tend. How happy then are the People who are in fuch a Cafe ! Tea, bleffed are the people, who have the LORD for their GOD! As 7efus Chri¡t is the refplendent Morning-Star, the Day-Star, the Star out of ;Jacob; fo it is thy Privilege, happy Believer, to Thine in his Beams; and to become á Star of Light to his Glory. They who are Stars of the Sun, or a Star, depiéted upon the Front of the Idol, of which there are many Exaitiples among the Heathens; and it plainlyThews, that the Idols themfelves, in their various Forms, flood for Repre- fentatives of fore Properties in.that glorious Orb, to whole Honour theywere principally devoted. Thus their Priefls ufed to invocate him by the Titles of Omnipotent Sun, Spirit ofthe World, Power of the World, bight of the Wprld Vid. MACIioB. Saturnal. lib. i. C. 20. SELDEN. de'Diit Syris. Synt. ii. C. 14. KIRCHER. ORdip. Synt. V. C. 2. HYDE de Rel. Yet. Pers. c. 5. GoOwrN's Mofes and Baron, lib. iv. c. 2. ROBERTSON. The,. is rad. p.). POCOCK. in;Vlimoi}. Pçt-t. jtMoi. p. 38. GOD NNW