Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

S T A R. 345 GOD,'me and¡hall ¡bine. There is not one of the etherial Orbs, but which has more or lefs Splendor, and mutt really be luminous in order to be feen ; nor can there be a true Believer in Jefus upon the Face of the Earth, who does not partake' fame Ray of his illuminating Grace, and who does not difcover fome reflea:ing Beams of Holinefs and Truth, vifible in its Meafure to all Men. The Darknefs of this World, with refpe6t to the things of GOD, is fo palpably ob- fçure, that the leaft Ray ofGrace, wheneveror where- ever it appears, muff be obvious. A Perfon, without Light in his Mind, and Grace in his Life, has no Right to the Name of ChrUian, while he remains in. that State; for, inftead of being a Star preparing for Luftre in Heaven, he feems only ádirty Clod, fitted tomoulder away upon Earth. They, on whom the Star of Jacob Ihines, and to whom he imparts his heavenly Beams, find Him a Star of potent Influence, communicating his genial Nature to their Souls, dif_ pelling the Groffnefs of Sinwith the Obfcurity of Error, and clúickening them to every A& and Inclination of a new and fpiritual Life. And if JESUS thus Thine upon thee in this polluted World, and fcatter even Glory upon the Dunghill of thy outward Man ; in what Splendor 'halt thou appear, faithful Soul, when thy Drofs'hall become Gold, andwhen thou thalt ftand, in the full Blaze of his Glory, before the everlafting Throne ! O how wilt thou Thine, when thou art im- moveably fixed, like a Star in the Firmament, near the Perfon of thy Saviour, for ever and ever ! They, who 'land neareft to the Morning Star, will thine the brighteft above; and they, who walk clofeft to Chrift, receive molt fromHim below. But if it be thy Grief (and it will be thy conftant Grief and Regret) that thy Graces now Thine with a feeble Ray, and that the Life of Faith and heavenly Hope is weak within thee ; look out of thyfelf, and turn thy, Attention to Him, who alone can inereafe and ftrengthen, can guide and guard, thy Soul to Heaven.