346 S T A R. Heaven. The Light of Grace may, to Senfe, appear languid and low; but, in Reality, it is conftant and fure. All the Powers of Darknefs cannot extinguifh it ; and yet one Sin can deprive thee for aTime of all its Comforts. This may feem a Paradox; but thy Experience will prove the Truth. 'Tis Chr, who gives the Light ; 'tis Chrift, who maintains that Light; and 'tis Chrift, who muff perfect it in Glory. And, bleffed be GOD, He will perfe& it ; for He has folemnly engaged his Perfon and Offices, his Attributes and Perfeéfions, not to quench the fmoking Flax, but to make Darknefs Light before thee, crooked things firaight, and not to forfake thee. Though thy Grace be languid as the glimmering Spark ; though the Overflowings of Cor- ruption threaten h with total Extintion; yet, fence the great JEHOVAH has undertaken to cherifh the dim Principle, many Waters cannot quench it, nor all the Floods drown it." Hope, therefore, in GOD; for thou, in a little Time, (halt praife Him for the gracious Fulfillment of all his Promifes, and íhalt know affuredly, that He is the Light of thy Coun- tenance, the Crown of thy Happinefs, the Strength of thy Heart, or, in a Word, thy LORD, thy Goo, and thy GLORY. JESUS on thee (hall quickly thine With Beams of Favor all- divine. That heav'nly bright and Morning-Star, Which dim-eyed Faith beholds from far, Shall çhear thee with his genial Ray, Shall mark and fanétify thy Way, Before thy ling'ring Heart (hall move, And fpur thy Pace, and Strength improve s Nor fhall thy Steps erratic flide To darker Paths, or lofe their Guide; But radiant Light and deathlefs Love Shall (weedy crown thy Reft above. STRENGTH