Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

341 STRENGTH of ISRAEL: Hence, War was declared againft Hell from the Be.: ginning; and Earth was allotted, for a Time, to be the Seat of it. It was not without a particular Defig- nation of Providence, that the Jews were always in Confhas with Enemies, from the Time of their Emi- gration fromEgypt into Canaan, and after their Efta- blifhment in it ; and that they never obtained a Viftory, but by the LORD, whom they were to acknowledge as the only Giver of it. All this was but a Type or Shadow of what paffes in the fpiritual Life, and of the Conqueffs, which both Believers then, and Believers now, obtain through Chrift, the Strength of Ifrael. Enmity was to be put betwixt Satan and the Woman (the Church) ; and between his Seed (rebellious Angels and unregenerate Men *), and her Seed (Chrift in the Church): It (Chrift) would bruife his Head (crufh and deftroy his Cunning and Power) and Satan would bruit bis Heel (injure his inferior and fubordinate Nature.) t Chrift has the jufteft Claim to this Title of conquering Strength ; becaufe his Ifrael were without Strength $ in themfelves, and, but for his gracious Interpofition, muff have fallen a Prey to their implacable Enemies. For this reafon, the Prophet fpeaks ofhim, as treading the Wine-prefs alone, and having none to help or uphold; fo that his own Arm or Strength brought Salvation to him, and bis Zeal alone upheld him. § He declares, that Chrifi, travelling in the Greatnefs of his Strength, took the kindeft Part in their Sorrows, and was moved by Sympathy at their AftliEtions; that, therefore, in his Love and in his Pity he redeemed them, bare them by his Power, and carried them through his Strength all the Days of old. If this be their happy Cafe, we may well inquire, with the Prophet; Shall the Prey be taken from the Mighty, or the lawful Captive delivered? Or afk with the Apoftle, Who (hall feparate usfrom the Love of Chrift, who hath redeemed us fromgoingdown * Matt. iii. y. xiii. 38. xxiii. 33. t Gen. iii. 15. Heb. ii. 14, Rom. v. 6. § Ifaiahlxüi.3, 5. into