STRENGTH o' ISRAEL. 349 into the Pit, and who, being ftrong in Might, will not fuffer us to fail ? fefus declared himfelf to beftronger than theJirong Man tamed,* and proved himfelfto be the Son ofG013 with Power by calling out Devils from the Bodies of Men ; by refitting every Violence of Temptation; by triumphing over Death; and by vanquifsingthe united Efforts of the Powers of Darknefs. The Apotlle exprefsly afferts him to be that divine Perfon, of whom the Pfalmift lings, and whomhe cele- brates in his glorious Names of JAH, JEHOVAH, AL, ALOAH, ALE HIM, ADONAI, SHIADDA7, FACE of the ALEHIM, FATHER and JUDGE, throughout one of the molt fublime and feraphic Hymns -- in the Book of GOD. This bleffed Redeemer was He,. who led Cap- tivity captive, who fcattered his Enemies, and proclaim- ed his everlaßing- Name. This was he who went forib before his People in the Wildernefs; who fuflained them .there who alone, as yehovah Adonai, bath the IJuesand Deliverances from Death. l'f the Teftimony of an in- fpired Writer can be credited ; the Sixty Eighth Pfalm was penned for the Meah.: he aétually accomplìfaed all that is written of him in it ; and-it bits him, as the great Deliverer and Redeemer of. his People. And if this Pfalm does belong to CHRIST (whichno Man, who pretends to believe. the Bible, can refute or deny) ; there is adequate, precife, and infurmountable Evidence in it, that the greateft Names which are or can be applied - to the GODHEAD, and the tnolt.ftupendous Acts that ever were performed by Him, as-the Objets of our Senfe ; are exprefsly, particularly, and infallibly applied to the REDEEMER. There is one Pfalm, Itand- ing withthe. Apoftle's Expòfition of it, fufîcient to de- molifh the blafphemous Syftern of all the Arians and Socinians upon Earth, refpeEbing the Inferior Godhead, or mere Humanity, of the great.Mejiah. 'Tis an In- Rance of the fuperlative Cunning of the Devils, that, Laak'e xi. zz. t HalmIxñir'cmmp. withEph. ive 8. wie