35o .STRENGTH 6f ISRAEL while they believeand tremble at his Name, they have the Addrefs and Ability to beguile poor Mortals into this horrid Opinion; which, if true; would annihilate CHRIST ; or which, being falfe, muff deftroy themfelves. And it is an Instance of the furprizing Corruption of Man, that Perfons fhould acknowledge the Scriptures to be a divine. Revelation, and yet have the Pace to olìpofe and. blafpheme the pofitive Evidence of Chriß's Divinity, which thofe Scriptures, almoft every where, imply and maintain. It fhall fuffice to vfe one Argu- ment, taken from this- Idea of Strength ufed- in the Scriptures, to prove the Divinity of the Lord Re- deemer. ThePfalmift fays, JEHOVAH ADONAI_is theSTRENGTH of Salvation :* The Evangelift affords us the Afï'umption : CHRIST iS an HORN (awell-known Hebraifm fOr Strength) of Sal- vation; -¡- and none other : CHRIST, therefore, is JEHOVAH ADONAI, or the fav- ing and omnipotent GOD. It would be long to adduce the Argúments, or to re- capitulate the Inftances, which might be pointed out in the Bible, as declarative 'of the Omnipotence of yefus Chrifl. He is continually exhibited as -the Strength of his People ; and they are as continually exhorted to look up to Him, and to be Tong in the Power of His Might. For their Sakes, he fpoiled Principalities and Powers,. and made a. Shew of them openly, triumphing over them in himfelf : § And to him, fitting upon his Throne, the. Redeemed above afcribe Salvation and Strength, and to' him give Thanks, as the Lord GOD Almighty ; who is, and was, and is to come, and who had taken to him his own great Power, reigning and triumphing over his Enemies for ever. p He fays ofhimfëlf, that whofoever liveth and belieaieth in Hint, (hall never die : But, as the Man isaccurfed, who maketh Flefh his Arm, and whofe Pfalun cxl. 7. CQ1. ii..15. fi Luke i. 69. Ails iv. 12, 11 Rtv. xi. 15, I7. ::ii. IO. xvii 14: Truft