Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

STRENGTH or ISRAEL. 3551 Truft is not in GOD,; it neceffarily follows, that who foever liveth in Chrift, and trufteth in Chrift, liveth and truiteth in GOD. The Scripture would other- wife contradift itfelf; and therefore CHRIST is GOD.-- But if Men do not believe the Record that GO]) bath uniformly given of his Son,: and the plain Declarations, in cohfequence, that Prophets and Apottles have made concerning Him ; neither would they believe, to any real Purpofe, though one fhould rife again from the Dead. None are fo . blind as thofe, whom Satan hath blinded; nor any fo hardened as they, who in the Conceit of their own Knowledge and Ability, are left by GOLD to the impenetrable Hardnefsof their own Hearts. Since then Chrif1 is both. STRENGTH for his People to fubdue their Enemies, and to remove every Obltacle laid in their Way, to Life eternal and alto STRENGTH inhis People, to enable them to hold on and to hold out through their earthly Pilgrimage and Warfare ; it highly behoves thofe, who have been made willing in the Day of his ower, to rely upon, to rejoice in, and to teftify of, his Godhead and Glory. If Jolla, by his own Power, hath made án End of Sin; bath.anfwered the holy Law by divine Obedieñce, .crowning it with everlafting. Honor; bath fulfilled its penal as well as its preceptive Requirements, by- . offer- ing himfelf up as a fpotlefs Sacrifice ; bath brought in an everlafting Righteoufnefs,. which, through the Eter- nity of his Nature, can everlaftingly juftify.; and if he hash bound Satan and ouercome all Evil, in order to clear, his People's Way, to Glory.: He is juft fuch a Re- deemer, as the convinced Sinner wants, and exactly fuch a Saviour,., as poor, out cáft wretched, and helplefs Creatures require. The Tidings of fuch a Mediator is like the Dew fromHeaven to -their -Souls : Nor would they forego tbejoyful Saund,of f}h a dear Lord, for a thoufand or ten thoufand Worlds. But if this gracious Redeemer add to his Viétories, as-a Conqueror for them, fome blefi'ed Tokensof his fovereign Power, as a Conqueror in them; if he deliever them from