Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

STRENGTH OF ISRAEL,' 353 Is in the STRENGTH OF ISRAEL, who can neither deceive nor change, and who likewife can neither be deceived nor overcome. How happy is it to fight. under efus's Banner, in the full Aßûrance of Vii ory and Triumph! How chearfully 1hould the Soldier of Chrift venture forth under an all-wife, all- powerful, and all-viélorious, Lord ! How tranfporting the Thought of finally fitting down with Him, after a fhort Warfare, upon a Throne of Peace and everlafting Glory! A Then, throughout an Eternity as delightful as long, how ravithing the Employment, how pleating the Study, how trabfport- ing the Praife, which will engage all the Faculties of the Redeemed ; in recapitulating the Vifories of JE- HOVAH-JESUS ; in explaining his Motives of Love, of Wifdom, and of Grace ; and in celebratinghis extiberant Goodnefs in their unchangeable Salvation ? When the Soul is thus enabled to cart Anchor within the Veil, and to refeét upon this bleffed State of Celìàtion from Sin, and Enjoyment of Hohnefs and Blifs; how can it re- frain from crying out with the Apotlle, 1have a Delire to dfpart, and to be with Chrift, which isfar better;--- infinitely more defirable, than the fplendid Wretched- nefs of this all-promifing, yet all-deluding, World ! Nappy is the Man, who, with a great Believer of old, -;- can look at Death, and fay in his laft Hour; " I ref$ '° in the Lord, and in the Acknowledgment, Faith, and °° Confidence of Jefus Chrift. O delightful Glory, and '° defirable Righteoufnefs ! O pleafant Change, and o Tranflation from Sin into a State of Holinefs ; from, Darknefs into Light, and from Death into Life !" This is the Happinefs of thole, who have the Strength of Ifrael for their Strength, and who depend, in no re- 'ipe6t, upon themfelves, but upon Him alone. They feel .. One Eye on Death, and one full fix'd on Hean n, .. Becomes a Mortal, and Immortal Man." Dr. YOVNC. t 7oachimus Caroms, who died 1573. MELCH. ADAM, See alfoa Treatife entitled, Scripture -Truth confirmedandcleared, by that experimental Divine ofthe lati Century the Rev. Mr. Robert Fleming, 'of Camduflang id'Scotland, A a and