g54 STRENGTH of ISRAEL: and know themfelves to be but fubordinate Agents iii fpiritual things, " moving as they are moved, working " as they are firft wrought upon, free fo far only as " they are freed by Him," and neither wifer nor ftronger, at any Time or upon any Occalron, than He is pleafed to make them. Of themfelves, they cannot do more than the Apoftl'es, to whom Chrift faid, with- out me ye can do nothing : Confequently, they have no active Energies of their own for Good. Nor is their pave Power, or Refiftance to Evil, at all more con- spicuous. They can neither command their Eyes, their Thoughts, or their Affeaions, from Sin; nor, in the evil Day of Sorrow, Poverty, Difgrace and Terror, Rand boldly, and, with heavenly Looks, look tip to Heaven. They are nothing without Chrift. 'Whatever they have here, or expert hereafter; they have and ex- peét all from their EVERLASTING STRENGTH alone. " Win CHRIST, win all," is their Motto, which they wills for ever infcribed on their Hearts. In short, Chrift is all and in all to them ; and it is the one Delire of their Souls to be all and for all in Him. They would leek every thing with Chr ; without Him, nothing. Reader, is this thy Charaaer and Purfuit? At leaft, is it thy W ifh and Delire ? Look to the Strength of Ifrael ! If the W ifh be real, he gave it thee; for thou haft not one upright With by Nature in thy Soul: And, if he gave it, he gave it as an Earneft of the Thing withed for ; which alto rauft corne freely from Him, who knoweth no Variablenefs neither Shadow of turning. iltJSi3AN: