Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

H U S B A N D . 357 our Souls : We have alfo a more fure Word of Promife, and the Authority of GOD himfelf, by which we may depend on the Care, Power, and Love of the Re- deemer. As a Young Man marrieth aVirgin, fo(hall thy Builder [or Maker] marry thee; and as the Bridegroom rejoiceth over the Bride, fo (hall thy GOD rejoice over thee. * And, again ; thy MAKER is thine HUSBAND (the LORD OF HOSTS, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, is his Name); and thy REDEEMER the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, the GOD of the whole Earthfhall hebe called. t One would think an Arian, a Samofetanian, or a Socinian, would blufh to talk of inferior Deity, or created Might, in the Saviour of Sinners, after reading a Paffage like this. It would he fairer to renounce the Bible at once, than to endea- vour (as force have done) to fet it at Variance with it- felf, with the Analogy of Faith, and (it might be added) even with Common Senfe. Nothing, however, can be more ftrong than the Words by the Prophet. The Redeemer is the Holy One of Ifrael, the GOD of the whole Earth, the LORD of Hofs, poffefiing an in- communicable Name and Nature, the Maker, and the Hufband, of his Church. It would take up too much Room to recite the many Paffages, which occur in both Teftaments, bearing an Allufion to the cordial and perfect Communion be- tween Chrift and his People, from the Inftitution of Marriage. It feems a favorite, becaufe the tendereft, Idea to reprefent the intimate Love and Grace of our redeeming GOD. The Book of the Song carries this Allegory throughout ; and thofe, who have read their Bibles but little, muff know, that it is a facred Image, ufed to illuftrate the higheft Privilege and the moat in- * Ifaiah lxii. S. Bilhop LOWTH has obferved, that all theTranf- litions, following the Septuagint, have erroneoufly rendered +tt thy Sons; as though it were the Plural of the Noun Subftantive ¡ a Son ; whereas it is the Participle Bossai of the Verb ro The Word is applied to yerufalem (as a Type of the Church), with peculiar Elegance and Propriety ; as may be Ilion in the Context, Vid Ps- 1c i. a'afacrd Poil Hobr. p. 407. Edit. 3. f Ifaiah liv. S. A a 3 timate