3y8 H U S B A N D . timate Accefs of the Believer to his Lord. Some par- ticular Texts of this kind may be found in the Margin. * And how fhould it al%ft us with Wonder and De- light, with Aftonifhment and Joy, when we confider, that Chrift is ours, and that we are his, in the Bonds of an everlafting Covenant ! That fuch fallen, weak and foolifh Creatures, as we are, fhould be fo intimate_ ly related to the holy Saviour, as to become Members of bis Body, of his Flefb, and of his Bones; would furpals the very Belief of Angels, who fee molt of the Benig- nity of their Maker, if GOD himfelf had not declared it. Upon the Foundation of fuch Love to us, how ought we to love Him again, and to thew the Cordi- ality of pur Attachment by our Lips, our Lives, our Time, our Ail ! They, who know molt of Chrift, will love him molt, and will be molt ready to confefs, that they cannot love him enough after all. Blefi'ed be. GOD, his Mercy doth not depend upon their Love to -iim, which is full of Frailty ; but upon his own Love to them, which is perfef and immutable. Here is the Chriftian's Security; and here he may refit his Hopes for Life eternal. As GOD hash beftowed fuch abundant Honor upon the State of Marriage; it may not be wholly imper- tinent or ufelefs to fubjoin a fewHints upon fo intereft- ing a Subje &, by way of Suggeftion or Improvement. The greateft Honor a Chriftian can do this facred In- ftitution, and the greateft Comfort he can receive in it, will arife, fromfitting the LORD always before bim in the Undertaking, from following the Directions of his Word, and from living by Faith for all the Mercies in the State itfelf, prgmifed and declared. Jer. iii. t¢. xxxi. 32. "Tos. ii. 19, 20. Rom. vii. 4. z Cqr. xi. z, Tph. V: 3o, 31, 32. Rev. xxì. 2. St. ¿ußin has a Remark upon this Subject, which prehably is more ingenious thap folid; Srcut fluxes Uxores antiquorum Pa¡rom figni iicaverunt, futuras noftras, ex omnibus 'Geotibus Eectfas uni biro fuu6ditas Chritto ; ita Hofer Vntifter unit.; Ururis Virf'.nifcat, cx omnibus Gtntibus Unitatem uni 'ircfubditamhy'bri to. Pe bono conjug. The