H U S B A N D. 359 The grand Rule, or Injunaion, for Believers is, To marry ONLY in the LORD. * " Thole that marry in " ChriiI, cannot marry without Chrf" Where that Rule has been difregarded, Unhappinefs has ever en fued. Nor could it well be otherwife. Can two Per- fons of different Views, different Hopes, different Fears, different Delires ; in short, can a Man and Woman, who differ upon the moft effential Point in the World, and between whofe Courfe and whofe End there is an everlafting Difference and Separation ; be happy together in a State, where there fhould be but one Willi, one View, one Hope, one Soul ? As well might Fire and Water coälefce, as two fuch Compo- fltions, as the Believer and the Unbeliever, harmonize together. Can two Yoke-fellows, the one pulling for- ward towards GOD, and the other drawing backward towards the World, ever be eafy to each other ? Well might the Men or Women tremble, who have hope in Chrift, and yet dare to chain themfelves to others who have none. A Partner, dead to GOD, would be a dead Weight upon the Soul ; and (if Grace, extraordinary Grace, did not prevail) would keep it from riling to Heaven : And even where Grace should fo prevail ; the poor Believer's Heart would feel many a fore Trial upon Earth. It would go drooping all the Way through Life, and at laft enter into its Ref} with many a bitter Sigh. On the other Hand, a Unity of Spirit, in the greateft and moft important Matter, would go far to overcome the fubordinate Differences of Temper or Prejudice, and doubly endear all the outward Bieflings of this common Life. The Grace of Chrift affiifting both, and enabling both to aflìft each, other, would, like a doubled Flame, glow ftronger and brighter by Communion. And the Hope and Expeaation of meeting a Partner in Heaven, would render that Partner the more endeared and valuable upon Earth. While below (as Bp. Hall no lets juftly than elegantly obferves) a Car, vii. 39. A a q. " neither