Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

H U S B A N D. 361 ftrongeft Believer to prompt him upon thefe Points, and to influence his Conduit, It is not however to be underftood, that People are to run thoughtlefsly into the Chains, or to follow the Dictates of a wild Imagi- nation ; but the Senfe is, that no Contrait of this kind ought to be formed among Chriftians, but upon Chriftian Principles ; that there ought to be a Union of the Heart betwixt the Parties, and a Unity of Senti- ment in things pertaining to GOD; and that all other Confiderations thould be fubordinate to thefe effential and indifpenfable Requirements. Where the firft are wanting ; the last cannot purchafe or procure Happi- nefs. Rules like thefe feem necefiàry for the Believer's Contentment in the Choice and Society of a Partner. His own Mind being calm and ferene ; Calmnefs and Serenity, from the Unity of Heart and Principle, will molt likely be diffufed through all his Family. What an excellent Man faid of Chriftians in general, is ap- plicable to married Chriftians in particular : " It would " be a good Strife between them, one to labor to give " no Offence, and the other to labor to take none." In that State of Life, his true Character will appear. He will difcover what he is, in a Situation of no Re- ftraint. 'Tis a true Saying in the political World, Magifiratus indicat Trirum ; " the Magiftrate thews the Man :" And it is equally true in the religious World, that the Hufband evinces the Chriftian. Let a Man be Friend, and Father, and Hufband, and Chriftian, at Home ; and we may give him Credit for all thefe Characters throughout the World befide. Taking our Thoughts, however, from mortal Men and mortal Things ; we may fay with the Apoftle, that the I'ime is fhort, and that it remaineth, that both they that have Wives, be as though they had none; and they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that * Dr. Sibbes in his Bru jdReed, &c:Amolt comfortable Book for Chriftians in Trial, rejoice, g