36z H U S B A N D. rejoice, as though they rejoiced not ; and they that buy, a: though they poffefjed not; and they that ufe this World, as not abufing it ; for the Fajhion of Ibis World paffeth away. The Believer's great Concern is, that he be one with Chrije, and efpoufed to him, by all the endearingTies ofLove and Grace, in all the grateful Means ofHolinefs and Duty, and through all the Circumftances of his Health, his Life, and his Calling. Thus married to Chrifi, he will be in Union and Communion for ever with all that are Chrifi's. He Iball meet them all in Glory, and dwell with them, never to part again. If l ulÿ, * an Heathen, could confole himfelf with the Thought of quitting a turbulent, difordered World, and of enjoying the Company of Philofophers and his beloved Cato in another State : What Reafon has the Chriflian to exult in the Promife of being brought unto Mount Sion, and unto the City of the living GOD, the heavenly ferufalem, and to the innumerable Company of Angels, to the general 4ffembÿ and Church of the Firft- horn, which are written in Heaven, and to GOD the Judge of all, and to the Spirits ofjuJi Men made perfect, and (what crowns all) to jasus the Mediator of the new CovenantI Bleffi d be GOD, He which teftifietb tbefe things, faith, Surely I come quickly. May thy Heart and mine, 'OBeliever, reply, Even fo, came, Lordrefus Amen. De SeJteEP. § 88. LIGHT.