L I G H T; 36; L I G H T. THE Religion, inculcated byNature, when rightly underftood, is the Religion of CHRIST. There is no material Obje& about us, but which holds forth fome fpiritual Inftru&ion to the believing Mind. Nature was intended for a fenfible Manifeftation of divine Grace; and, though altered in many refpe&s from its original Conftru&ion, for the Sin and Punifhment of Man, yet it ftill points beyond itfelf, and leads the awakened Soul, fromMatter and all its Forms, to thofe intelleEtual Contemplations which ever end in GOD. There is nothing more familiar to our Senfes, and nothing, through its wonderful Exility, lefs cognizable by us, than the attenuated Subftance, which we deno- minate Light. Air is Solidity itfelf in comparifon with it.Avoiding however metaphyfical Difquifitions, we will confider it (as the holy Scriptures always con- fider every thing) in the fpiritual Ufe and Inftru&ion, which was riefgned by GOD, in applying the Name of LIGHT both to himfelf, and to his Graces and Bleflings, like fo many Rays, fprin;ing from Him. The Light of the material World informs our vifual Senfe with Preci/iion, Knowledge, and Pleafitre: It affords us not only Comfoxt, but Profperity and Security, by its Reprefentation of Danger and Evil. It gives us a Communion with other Subftances and Things, and enables us to leek amonai them whatever is pleating or profitable