Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

G - H T. profitable to our Nature. We fee, and know, and underftand, by this wonderful Medium, ten thoufand Circumftances, which would either elude the Sagacity of our other Senfes, or be entirely beyond them. 'Tis not furprizing then, if Nature:.preach.her GOD,*. that this diftinguifhing Property ofNature fhould be employed to fpeak forth fome ofhis Praife. And but fume is it enabled to fpeak : For, Lux Did, Umbra Dei ; The Light of the Day is but the Shadow of GOD.. And if Light itfelf, by which we receive fo muchrBenefit, and which is fo familiar to out=vifual Faculty, almoft efcape all human Inveftigation ; how much more (hall He, who formed it, tranfcend our Search, and though He be not far from every one of us, how far mutt every one of us be, from exploring Him ? The original Word tranflated Light, lignifies Light in Alijen, or Ejlènce, Light engaged for force Purpofe of life or Advantage, and frequently includes the Idea of Fire, and the illuminating Blaze proceed- ing from it. It aptly reprefents the aelive, irradiating, and vivifie Operation and lnflùence of the GOD of Heaven, engaged in the Salvation, Happinefs, and Glorification of Man; and is therefore, by an eafv Figure, often ufed to exprefs them. In this View, the Pfalmift fang, JEHOVAH is my LIGHT and (in confe- quence) my Salvation ; t and the Prophet publifhed, that JEHOVAH was the everlajiing LIGHT of his People, and the ALEHIM their. Beauty, or Glory, t GOD (lays the Apoftle) is LIGHT, and in him is no Darknefs at all. And is JEHOVAH the Light ofbis People ? -We íhálf find, upon Inquiry; that CHRIST is that very Light ; the only one, who imparts Light ; and that he is, therefore, the bleffed JEHOVAH. . ReadNature; Nature is a Friend to Truth; Nature is Chrijiiail; preaches to Mankind; .,Ind bid; deadMatter aid as in our Creed. Pfalm xxvìi, Ix. 19, 20 Youne. The