Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

L I G H T. & The Proofs are fo exprefs, that but a very few of them need to becited. The Prophet Ifaiah calls the Saviour a great Light, in a Paffage of Scripture, which confeffedly relates to Chrift alone, * and which is applied to him by the Evangelift Matthew. t The fame Prophet likewise calls him the Light of Jehovah,: the Light of Ifrael, § and the Light of the Gentiles ;11 which Titles are alfo, in the New Teftament, pointed out as peculiarly be- longing to him. ¶ yohn, his Forerunner, ftyles him the true Light, or that underived effential Light, which is the Source of all the other Light, that ever appeared in the natural, moral, or fpiritual World. john, hitnfelf, by the Teftimony of Chriít, was a burning and a fhiningLight; but it was only like the Light of a Planet : it borrowed and reflefted the Rays of the great Sun of Righteouf- nefs. Like the grand Luminary in Nature, when this Sun appears, the Light of inferior Orbs is fwallowed up in his Glory. The Latins called the Sun Sol, quaff folus, becaufe it always appears alone : And fo does the incommunicable and effential Glory of Chrift. All the Prophets and Apoftles were Lights ih the World ; but none of them had any Light of their own, or more than He was pleafed to give them. The Evangelift yòhn, in his Revelation, faw Chrift the Lamb to be the Light of the New Jerufalem. ** It had no other : it needed no other. The very Rabbins had alfo this ddea of the Mefflah, and believed him to be the Light 'of GOD and of the Nations. tt Thus R. Solomon Gallus expounds thofe Words of the Pfalmift, Send out thy LÍGHT, &c. as re- lating to the great Deliverer ofIfrael, who was CO guide their Feet into the Way of Peace. * Ifaiah ix. a. f Matt. iv. 14, &c. t Ifaiah ii. S. § Ibid x. 17. fl Ibid xlii. 6 ¶ Luke ii. 32. ** Rev. xxi. 23. ff HuCT.Dern.Evang. Prop. ix. c.sq. It Rstrcxrix. Cob. 1. iii. Chrift