166 L I G I-í T. Chrift himfelfprofeffes to be the Light of the World ;ò and his Teftimony, though of himfelf, is undoubtedly true. He gives Light and the Light of Life ;1- becaufe he is both Light and Life effentially in his own Perfon, and can beftow it on whom he pleafe. And, if all thefe Afcriptions and Teftimonies do not amount to a full Evidenceof the GODHEAD and Mi; lionof the Redeemer; it will be hard to fay what can, or indeed to find any Evidence at all, that can put to Si- lence and furmount the Cavils, which Ignorance or Pre- judice may propofe. The Names and the Offices of Chrift are fo much beyond the Character and Abilities of all the Creatures, that one cannot but wonder, how any, who profefs to believe the Scriptures, fhould be fo obftinate and perverfe as not to acknowledge him, in the very Terms of the oncedoubting Thomas, CO be their LORD and their GOD. The heft that can be faid of them, is what the Scripture will juftify us in faying, that they deny this moft eflèntial Truth, becaufe his Light bath notfhined into their Hearts. If they had the Apoftle Paul's Faith and Grace ; they would make the fame noble Confeffion, and ftyle the great Redeemer, the blef ed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who only bath Immortality, dwelling in the Light which no Man can approach unto, whom no Man (re- fpeeting the ineffable Glory of his divine Nature) bath feen, nor can fee : to whom be Honor and Power ever- lafting, Amen. From this brief Review of the Scriptures, we have Room and Reafon to conclude ; that yefus Chrifl is the true Light, effential and fupreme as to his fuperior Na- ture, becaufe he is truly and effentially JEHOVAH. Opake Matter might as foon have Light in itfelf, as any Being have the Light of Life radically and origi- nally, without being GOD over all, blefjedfor ever. The refplendent Glory and Light of Immanuel, as it fhines forth in his own divine Nature, is too illuftrious John viii. r2. xii. 46. fi Ibid. and Eph. v. t¢. I i Tim. vi. i5, 16. and