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L I G H T. 369.. àr Fervor. They were once, and would be always, if Grace did not biefs them, Darknefs itfelf in the Abp ftraEt; and, when they became Chriftians, they had Light it is true, but it was Light IN the Lord, Chrift gave them his Light; and he maintains it, given. In thy. Light (fays the Pfalmift, addrefling Chrift) fhall wé lee Light; and, therefore, he prays, that this Loving- kindnefs may be continued to them that know him. * The Men of the World, on the other Hand, are con - flantly reprefented in a State of Darknefs. They know not (fays, Afaph) neither will they underjiand ; they walk on in Darknefs:- The Way ofthe Wicked(laid the Wife Man) is as Darknefs : they know not at what they fumble $ And a wifer than he hath declared, that the. very Light, which is in them, is Darknefs. Hence their Portionhereafter is called by the fame Name . an oilier Darknefs a Darknefs, remote from every Approach of Light and Joy, and into which whofoever is Phut out, shall never be releafed for ever. In this World; they are deftitute of that Light which is Truth, and Life, and Peace ; and, in the World to come, they participate only of that everlafting Night, from which there is no Redemption. Sin is the Caufe and Principle of all fpiritual Dark- nefs, both in the People of GOD and in the People of the World. OOnyhe contrary, Righteoufnefsand Truth . conftitute all moral, fpiritual, and evangelical Light. Faith, embracing the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, is en- lightened by him ; and the Believer, as he walks with, Chrift, will find.increafingLight, both in his Mind and. Experience. 'Tis a vain diftrefüng Hope, which many . entertain, of obtaining Light and Peace, byanv Means, or from any Qi;arter, but Chrift alone. We hear Much indeed of Faith in Chrift alone ; and yet but few fee'm to know, how much above Flesh and Blood it is, to com- mit all Hopes, all Fears, all Concerns, all joys, and, in fine, every Thing which can affeEt either Soul or Body, * Pfalm xxxvi 9, iö. t Pfalm lxxxü.4. $ Prov. iv. i9. B b limply