37o L I G 1-T T. limply and unrefervedly into the Hand's ofChrift, and to live truly by Faith alone, often without the Hope and fometimes contrary to the Infinuations of Senfe. 'Tis eafy tobe active (as we think) for Chrift ; and ourpoor Hearts will take force Pleafure, if not Pride, in the Ho- nor of f.ch Activity ; but tobe pafl'ive to his holy Will, to yield up ourfelves to his Difpofal, as Clay into the Hands of the Potter, and to reft fatisfied with the lffue; is a Proof of that genuine Faith, which every one might with to find in himfelf, and to fee more of in the World. Lot petitioned for a little Referve in Zoar: And there is a fecret Corner in all our I-Iearts, into which our WILL fometimes contraéis itfelf, and feems to retire ; but ex- pands again uponOccafion, and rufhes out to the bitter Annoyance of the Soul. Men may have alfo much apparent Light in their Underftandings, and may not only know much ofout- ward Things, but allo be able to fubtilize, and ralle nice Dittinctions upon, many or all the Doctrines of the Gofpel. It is hard to fay, how far an unrenewed Mind may penetrate into fpiritual Concerns, and be unrenewed after all. We have feen tome advance-very far indeed yet mifs,the, Mark, as well as come to nothing at laft. The Devils know much of the Letter of the Gofpel ; but could they be acquainted, as a true Chriftian is, with the Life and Power of it, they need not put on the Appearance of, for theywould become inReality,Angels ofLight. A Chriftian hath not fo learned Chrift. " A " renewed Underftanding (lays a good Man) is not taught by Words and Sentences, be they what they " will ; but by the Mind ofGOD and Chrift in them." In a real Believer, found Doétrine, and found Experi- ence, fhould go together. GOD hath joined them; and no Man can rightly put them afunder. It has been the Falhion with force to fpeak contemptuoufly of Doc- trines, however evangelical; but with no area Wifdom. CADD never denies his People Light; and Knowledge DORNSY'S Contempl. p. r33 1B