Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

L Ì G H T. 37 t is tóò precious to be defpifed. Sound Experience could be a Wonder, unattended with found Do&rine. The Heart indeed might be warm, but if the Head be unin- formed ; it could only produce a Zeal, which (to fay the belt of it) is not at;cording to Knowledge. A clear Head and a warm Heart have not only molt Light in them, but fend forth molt ',nitre from without them. A dark empty Mind may charaEterize an unfettledPro- fefïor ; but a fervid glowing Illumination of Head, Heart, and Life, belt becomes a Chrifiian. Believer, thou art conftituted a Light in the World, and all thy real Bufinefs in it may be comprehended in one Word SanNE ! " Let your Light, lays our Sa- viour, Thine, and Thine before Men too ; that is not forbidden, yea, 'tis commanded. But 'tis thus corn- " manded, Let your Light foThine before Men, that they " feeingyour good Works = yourfelves as little as may " be _ your Works more than yourfelves (as the Sun " gives us its Light, and will fcarce fulfer us to look " upon itfelf) mayglorify whom ? You ? No, but " your Father, who is in Heaven. Let your Light Mine, " it is given for that Purpofe ; but let it thine always " to the Gloryof the Father of Lights." * O what a Wonder of Omnipotence is it, that a poor Clod of Earth, as dank and as filthy as a Dunghill, fhould ever be fo irradiated as to fend forth one Ray of Glory for GOD ! Nor yet,. Believer, is this a ten thoufandth Part ofthy Privilege and Portion. Thou art hereafter, and in a very littlewhile too, tbJhine as the Brightnefs: of the Firmament, and as the Stars for enter and ever. -j- Nay more, thy Saviour exceeds the Commifliion of his Pro- phet, and declares, that thou lhalt Thineforth as the Surf in the Kingdom of thy Father. $ O live upon this Pro- mile ! It exhibits a Luftre and a Dignity, that throws into Shade all the Honors and Advantages of this pe- rithing World. Shine on then, till thou thine; without a Cloud of Doubt or of Sin, for evermore. Abp. L$IGHTON's Comment. on I Pet. ii. 9._p. 292. t Dart. xìi." 3. $ Matt. xiii. 43. Bba efus,